Programming Course

Teaching FIRST team members how to program a robot from A-Z

Last year, we held our first programming course, which was an immediate success. Team members come to our course to enrich their knowledge with the experience we gained over many years.


In 2018, we lectured in the conference FIRSTEVAL to over 100 attendees. By reaching 100% accuracy in computer vision, we wanted to show other teams how they can do it. Our lecture was the largest one since teams throughout Israel came not only from FRC but also from FTC. We showed how our code works, encouraged them to use it and gave them the tools to write their own. In 2019 we took it one step further. The success of our lecture inspired our programming crew to initiate a series of lectures. These lectures were an amazing success which was attended by over 30 members from FRC teams. The demand for our course grew so big we had to have another so more could attend.


Program Website

Founding Team

FRC 2212 - The Spikes
From Lod, Israel
FRC 2212 - The Spikes
From Lod, Israel
The Spikes make STEM content accessible in our native language, empower women in STEM, mentor FTC, FLL, and FLL Jr. teams, and much more! We're always happy to take on new projects and branch out.




© 2017-2019 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics, FRC Team 1902
FIRSTAlliances is not an official FIRST® program.