Summer Workshops

Teaching teams and individuals the basics of being in a FIRST team

Our workshops are a perfect way for new Spikers to learn about FRC, engineering processes and community work. Since 2009, our summer workshops have gained in popularity in the FIRST Israel community.


Every year since 2010, we host Summer Workshops in our school. Many children come to our workshops, mostly new recruits of ours and of other teams. Everyone who comes to our workshops picks their profession, between programming, electronics, mechanics, or marketing and community. In the workshops, we teach the basics of every profession and how to work as part of a team.


Program Website

Founding Team

FRC 2212 - The Spikes
From Lod, Israel
FRC 2212 - The Spikes
From Lod, Israel
The Spikes make STEM content accessible in our native language, empower women in STEM, mentor FTC, FLL, and FLL Jr. teams, and much more! We're always happy to take on new projects and branch out.




© 2017-2019 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics, FRC Team 1902
FIRSTAlliances is not an official FIRST® program.