Learning Center

Helping students with their schoolwork

The Learning Center is a community project initiated for Elementary students to receive help with their homework, their studying, and take part in enrichment activities. In our first year, we had only


Our 2013 vision of our Learning Center was to help underprivileged kids with their homework. Our learning center was opened off campus with 10 kids. In 2016, it grew to 25+ kids. In 2017, we joined forces with our school to facilitate the growing number of Lod pupils. As a result, the center became more than just enrichment-it became a core facility, where even students from our school could get help. In 2018, it was expanded to include 15 Arabic speakers wanting to improve their Hebrew proficiency. As a result, kids that once couldn’t cope with homework now show academic excellence. This was reflected when 4 kids from the learning center were accepted to our school in 2018. In 2019, we have 80+ children who come twice a week.


Program Website

Founding Team

FRC 2212 - The Spikes
From Lod, Israel
FRC 2212 - The Spikes
From Lod, Israel
The Spikes make STEM content accessible in our native language, empower women in STEM, mentor FTC, FLL, and FLL Jr. teams, and much more! We're always happy to take on new projects and branch out.

© 2017-2019 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics, FRC Team 1902
FIRSTAlliances is not an official FIRST® program.