Girls' Generation
An offseason event where girls fill all drive team and pit crew roles.
Girls' Generation is an offseason event that uses the prior years game. Girls fill all drive team and pit crew roles.
We observed that most drive teams and pit crews are male-dominated, and it can be intimidating for girls to take up those positions, so we created Girls’ Generation. Girl’s Generation is an offseason event during the fall that uses the prior year’s game where girls fill all drive team and pit crew roles. Girls gain confidence in their own skills and carry what they learn from Girls’ Generation throughout the year.
Program WebsiteFounding Team
FRC 1540 - Flaming Chickens
From Portland, Oregon, United States
From Portland, Oregon, United States

© 2017-2019 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics, FRC Team 1902
FIRSTAlliances is not an official FIRST® program.