Robots Attack!
A simultaneous halloween outreach! An Oakbotics event.
Robots Attack! is a remote simultaneous annual outreach in which teams dress up their robots for Halloween and perform a demo, either at their school or in their community.
Robots Attack! is a remote, simultaneous, annual outreach in which teams dress up their robots for Halloween and perform a demo, either at their school or in their community. This initiative aims to recognize teams who partake in a larger remote (digital) community, and also increase brand recognition in each team's neighborhood. In 2018, 9 'Robot Attacks' occurred across the Ontario district. We hope to expand this event to even more communities in 2019. To get involved, please email us at
Program WebsiteFounding Team
FRC 3739 - Oakbotics
From London, Ontario, Canada
From London, Ontario, Canada
Alliance Partner

© 2017-2019 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics, FRC Team 1902
FIRSTAlliances is not an official FIRST® program.