Ontario FRC Memes
A Graciously Professional Platform for inter-team bonding
An Ontario-based Facebook page dedicated to the use of internet trends to form positive bonds between teams!
Ontario FRC Memes has joined over 18 teams across Ontario, Canada in the quest for enjoyable internet content! Here we use "memes" to reach out into our community and beyond, and create friendships through FIRST program teams. This page has reached over 250,000 people since its debut in 2015, and currently has 10 teams contributing! Join us today at https://www.facebook.com/FRCMemeTeam/
Teams Involved have included: 188, 771, 865, 1305, 1310, 3739, 4814, 4939, 4976, 5024, 5036, 5288, 5483, 5870, 6070, 6135, 6854, 7710.
Program WebsiteFounding Team
FRC 3739 - Oakbotics
From London, Ontario, Canada
From London, Ontario, Canada
Alliance Partner

© 2017-2019 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics, FRC Team 1902
FIRSTAlliances is not an official FIRST® program.