FRC 313, The Bionic Zebras

From Wayne, MI, USA

Alliance Partner

The Bionic Zebras help with our school with events like the Champions 5k run. We also help with any events put on in our city by the Goodfellows group.


We, the Bionic Zebras, focus mainly on STEM outreach, but we also do volunteer in our city and school. We have an FLL-like program run in a local community center designed to teach kids in elementary and middle school about STEM concepts. We also volunteer at events like our school"s Spooktacular, and Champions 5k run. We also like to help organizations that provide us assistance such as the Goodfellows group or the Wayne Rotary Club.


Team Website The Blue Alliance Entry

© 2017-2019 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics, FRC Team 1902
FIRSTAlliances is not an official FIRST® program.