FRC 1325, Inverse Paradox
FRC Team 1325 is an award-winning 14-year-old veteran FIRST team, with expertise in every field required to fuel a successful FIRST team including robot design, awards, team logistics, and many more.
Our mission is to follow the values of FIRST and promote a team environment in which an interest of science, technology, and innovation will be fostered in and enjoyed by students, teachers, parents, and other members of the community, while creating leaders of tomorrow. FRC Team 1325 Inverse Paradox is not only dedicated to designing, building and programming a successful robot but we also strive to have a measurable impact on our community by promoting the STEAM and FIRST culture. Our team continues to work towards the betterment of our members by providing opportunities for leadership, growth and real-life experiences with science and technology. Our goal makes FIRST Robotics accessible for everyone and provides learning opportunities in STEAM subjects to contribute towards the education of students of all ages. Our team is built on a strong foundation of dedicated students, teachers, sponsors, and volunteers that drives the success on our team. With numerous awards both robot and business sides of the team, we’re well equipped to assist any FIRST team with any issues they may need help resolving.
Team Website The Blue Alliance EntryTags
Business CAD Chairman's Award Team Communications Curriculums Dean's List Demos Diversity Wiring Custom Circuits EV3 Programming Expansion of FIRST 2017-2018 FLL Project FIRST Lego League FIRST Tech Challenge Fundraising Gearboxes/Motors H-Drives Imagery Intakes International Outreach Java FIRST Lego League Jr. Judging Preparation LabVIEW Leadership Marketing Fabrication Mecanum Motion Profiling Offseason Event Outreach PID Loops Pneumatics Programming Prototyping Remote Mentoring Rookie Help Safety Scouting Shooters Strategy Team Structure Summer Camps Vision Tracking
© 2017-2019 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics, FRC Team 1902
FIRSTAlliances is not an official FIRST® program.