Lear Engineering Assistance Program

By using our relationship with the Lear Corp., 503 was able to connect teams with their local Lear plants to forge a strong sponsor relationship.


All teams know that finding sponsorships to build a sustainable FIRST program is not easy. Our strong relationship with the Lear Corp. allowed us to literally spread the wealth. With our Lear Engineering Assistance Program (LEAP) we connected dozens of global teams with their local Lear plants, giving them the opportunity to forge strong relations with a sponsor. This entailed locating the Lear facilities, finding the FIRST teams in their area, crafting letters of introduction in 4 languages, hinting critical steps to a successful sponsorship. As of 2017, Lear has already pledged $48K to 16 teams. By improving the management of the program we are expecting to connect with more teams and make a greater impact as the project continues.

Founding Team

FRC 503 - Frog Force
From Novi, MI, United States
FRC 503 - Frog Force
From Novi, MI, United States
We aim to build sustainable programs at all levels of FIRST, concentrating on the areas most in-need.




© 2017-2019 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics, FRC Team 1902
FIRSTAlliances is not an official FIRST® program.